Solar Transit to Gate 36 – Are You Cultivating Compassion?

Written by Cheyennis Doom, 3/6 Sacral Generator, Right Angle Cross of Rulership (26/45 | 47/22)

2024 is all about living in Alignment. Alignment of who we are, what we want and what we need at a soul level. What better way to help with that than by tapping into the Celestial Energy that is here to support us in that?

Today the Sun moves to Gate 36. In Human Design, Gate 36 is known as The Compassionate Sage, located in the Emotional Solar Plexus. It’s primary action is to cultivate compassion for yourself and others.

Within Gate 36 beckons a profound invitation, urging us to embrace compassion as both a guiding principle and a transformative force in our lives. It’s a reminder that in moments of crisis and emotional turmoil, the path to healing and growth begins with extending kindness and understanding to ourselves and others.

As we courageously cultivate compassion, we align ourselves with the gentle currents of empathy and emotional wisdom, knowing that our capacity to empathize and connect with others is a profound gift. It’s about recognizing the humanity within ourselves and others, acknowledging our shared experiences of joy and suffering, and offering a healing balm of compassion in times of need.

On this journey, embracing radical self-acceptance becomes paramount. By acknowledging our inherent worthiness and embracing all facets of our being, we create space for profound healing and transformation. This self-compassion allows us to navigate life’s challenges with grace and resilience, knowing that we are worthy of love and belonging.

Gate 36 calls us to embody compassion in all aspects of our lives, offering solace to ourselves and others amidst life’s trials and tribulations. Through this compassionate embrace, we cultivate a deeper sense of connection, understanding, and belonging in the world around us. It is the key to healing ourselves and our world.

To determine your Human Design, you’ll need to know your birth details, including the day, hour, and location. This information is then plugged into software to produce a chart. Your Human Design chart is a representation of your unique energy signature. 

You can download your free chart through me if you’d like to kick start your journey.

Set Intentions

Each gate and planet have opportunities associated with them, that it would be fruitful for you to master to get the most out of the movement of the Sun which happens about every 6 days. Intentions to consider:

  • Nurture compassion for yourself and others, particularly in challenging times.
  • Delve into your inner world to identify areas where you may need more self-compassion and dedicate yourself to embracing self-acceptance fully
  • Enhance your grasp of the humanity within you and those around you, nurturing increased empathy and emotional insight.

Ask Yourself…

  • How can I actively cultivate compassion for myself during times of personal struggle or feelings of inadequacy?
  • In what ways do I currently express compassion towards others, and how can I deepen this practice in my interactions?
  • What barriers or beliefs may be hindering my ability to offer myself and others deep compassion, and how can I work to overcome them?

Sometimes we need extra support when it comes to addressing what’s misaligned in our lives. Need some help?

About Gate 64: Devine Transference

Earth transits help us explore how to nurture and ground ourselves to stay aligned and supported so that we may accomplish the themes highlighted by the sun.

Take a moment to reflect on how conflict serves as a doorway into personal growth and understanding.

Consider how you can use friction as a catalyst for creating harmony and resolving conflicts in your life.

How can you foster inner peace and emotional empowerment?


Verbalizing Intentions enable Manifestations.

“I honor the humanity within myself and others, embracing compassion as a guiding principle in navigating life’s challenges. I am patient with my emotions and offer myself and others deep understanding and acceptance.”

Pro Tip: Enhance this with the power of…

Rose Quartz: The Love Magnet

Rose Quartz is a crystal of unconditional love and compassion, perfect for amplifying the energy of Compassion. It encourages forgiveness, empathy, and tenderness towards oneself and others, promoting emotional healing and harmony. Keep Rose Quartz nearby as a reminder to approach yourself and others with gentleness and understanding during times of crisis or vulnerability.

Featured Jewelry

I started 12th Summer with the idea of extending the warm weather vibes all year. But as I got drawn to the energies and healing powers of stones, I realized my jewelry serves a deeper purpose: Intentionally Made Jewelry to empower you on your journey and enhance your wellbeing.

As I reflect on my own life and passions, I am so thankful for finally reaching the stage of my journey where I can SEE that my true self has been here all along, she was just waiting for me to catch up from all of the noise and distractions of a world and society actively working against that journey.

Will you challenge Yourself to truly FIND Yourself?

I hope you will regardless of how we connect.

With much love and gratitude,

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🌟 “Your peace and fulfillment is a reaction waiting to happen, and I’m here to help you catalyze it 🌟

✓ One-on-One Collaborative Coaching

✓ Empowerment through Compassionate Development