Solar Transit to Gate 30 – What’s Your Passion?

Written by Cheyennis Doom, 3/6 Sacral Generator, Right Angle Cross of Rulership (26/45 | 47/22)

2024 is all about living in Alignment. Alignment of who we are, what we want and what we need at a soul level. What better way to help with that than by tapping into the Celestial Energy that is here to support us in that?

Today the Sun moves to Gate 30. In Human Design, Gate 30 is the Gate of The Clinging Fire, located in the Solar Plexus Center. It is considered to be on the positive end of the spectrum and represents the energy of enjoying the intensity of desire and emotion.

Gate 30 symbolizes the driving force of passion and desire that fuels personal growth and transformation. It has an innate knowing that a full spectrum of intense feelings are a natural part of the human experience. 

To determine your Human Design, you’ll need to know your birth details, including the day, hour, and location. This information is then plugged into software to produce a chart. Your Human Design chart is a representation of your unique energy signature. 

You can download your free chart through me if you’d like to kick start your journey.

Set Intentions

Each gate and planet have a challenge associated with them, that it would be fruitful for you to master to get the most out of the movement of the Sun which happens about every 6 days. Intentions to consider:

  • To maintain a dream or vision without exhaustion.
  • To determine which dream to wholeheartedly pursue.
  • To manage passion without being overwhelmed and to reveal it to the world at the right moment.

Ask Yourself…

  • What ignites my passion? Have I misplaced it?
  • How’s my energy level?
    • Do I feel physically exhausted?
    • Am I tired of my current idea?
  • What actions should I take to support my vision and aspirations for what I want to achieve in my life?
  • Am I steering clear of a dream or vision due to fear of it not materializing?

About Gate 29: Devotion

Earth transits help us explore how to nurture and ground ourselves to stay aligned and supported so that we may accomplish the themes highlighted by the sun. Consider:

  • Who would you be and what would you choose if you gave yourself permission to say no more often?
  • What would you like to say no to that you are saying yes to right now?
  • What obligations do you need to take off your plate right now?


Verbalizing Intentions enable Manifestations.

I am a passionate creator. I use the intensity of my passion to increase my emotional energy and sustain the power of my dream and what I imagine for life. I trust in the Divine flow, and I wait for the right timing and right circumstances to act on my dream.

Pro Tip: Enhance this with the power of…

Garnet: The Energizer

Garnet cleanses and reenergizes the chakras. It revitalizes, purifies, and balances energy, bringing serenity or passion as needed. It inspires love, devotion, and helps to alleviate emotional disharmony.

It connects deeply to our root chakras (like all the red stones) but also goes to work on our solar plexus and our hearts too.

Featured Jewelry

As I reflect on my own life and passions, I am so thankful for finally reaching the stage of my journey where I can SEE that my true self has been here all along, she was just waiting for me to catch up from all of the noise and distractions of a world and society actively working against that journey.

Will you challenge Yourself to truly FIND Yourself?

I hope you will regardless of how we connect.

With much love and gratitude,

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🌟 “Your peace and fulfillment is a reaction waiting to happen, and I’m here to help you catalyze it 🌟

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